children's forest
The realization of the children's forest starts with children of
different ages building their ideas.
In one day a tree house is build up and also a tipi-toko and climbing platform.
The part where the children worked is in front of the main building, later parts
will be realized in the forests behind and to the right of the buildings.
The idea is that different ages can have their own places and do not disturb the
way younger or older children are working.
Of course it is possible to work together and share the experiences.
With the local schools a cooperation has started and in autumn and spring they
can continue.
The forest will grow and an amazing place to play, stay and build will invite
children of all ages to take part in it.
New plans will be made with the artist Mari Shields. She will start with the
students of the 7th class from secondary school of Haukivuori to continue the
buildings in the forest. Her artistic view can give new experiences to the young
people and involve them by art in daily live.
in summer 2006
children visit the children's forest to build and play, the first
constructions were build
the children's
forest is for several ages and all they will plan their own view on what and
how to construct
the first
results were hidden under the birches and attractive for other children
in winter
children from the neighborhood start to continue the work, the result is an
higher construction
On the page children's
forest project you find information about the lessons in the primary school
to prepare the building
Mikkelin Kaupunki
Arts Council Finland |
AllaprimA Foundation (NL)
Etelä-Savon Maakuntaliitto
Etelä-Savo Taidetoimikunta
suomen kulttuurirahasto