• Finland
  • +358 (0)50 4625 675

ArtRadius Saksala


international artist-in-residence program in rural Finland

artist-in-residence - conditions and rules artists


  • privacy index
  • copyright index
  • general conditions and rules artists

  • we recommend to read this page with all the conditions very carefully

    conditions and rules of art centre Saksala ArtRadius

    art centre

    1. the art centre is open for artists, summer guests, children, visitors during the whole year
    2. the art centre consists of:

  • a. AllaprimA museum for contemporary art, child art, young art
  • b. FOAM open air museum for contemporary sculptures
  • c. gallery
  • d. art shop
  • e. studios
  • f. ateliers
  • g. workspaces in- and outside the buildings
  • h. symposium programs
  • i. artist-in-residence program
  • j. children's forest
  • k. forest-LABYRINTH
  • l. student-in-residence program
  • m. art education program
  • visitors/summer guests/artists

    3. visitors can go in- and outside by the map given after buying a ticket
    3a. guests staying in the residence are free to visit the forest-LABYRINTH, the AllaprimA MuseuM and the FOAM sculpture park
    4. please take care of the art and the materials, tools and machineries in the buildings and fields
    5. it is not allowed to climb, push, jump or sit on the sculptures
    6. without permission it is not allowed to touch the tools and machineries
    7. visitors are responsible by damages of the art and materials, tools and machineries
    8. garbage has to take by the guest or put in the refuse bin
    9. it is not allowed to smoke inside the buildings


    10. the studios are furnished with bed, table, chairs, wardrobe, mini kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, coffeemaker, water cooker and kitchenware, toilet, shower, boiler, bed linen, towels, (telephone), smoke and fire alarm
    11. the room has to be cleaned frequently, cleaning material is available
    12. the artist takes care of the studio and is responsible for damages and cleaning
    13. because of mice, food has to be in closed boxes and pots
    14. after leaving the studio and workplaces have to be complete and without damages, it will be controlled

    15. it is not allowed to smoke or make fire in the studio or anywhere in the buildings
    16. it is not allowed to keep or use hard or soft drugs
    17. it is not allowed to be drunk
    18. by not keeping these rules the artist is responsible for the costs, the contract will be dissolved and the artist has to leave the art centre

    19. don’t bring inconvenience to others by noise,
    20. sound by radio, disc player, television, computer etc has to be soft, and inside your studio

    21. bed linen and towels are washed and dried by the art centre
    22. you have to iron the bed linen yourself
    23. € 3.50 (including VAT) per time you can wash your own wash, own ironing
    24. there is an iron and ironing-board available

    25. the workspace (in- and outside) and atelier are free to use
    26. be sure nobody else needs the space in the same time, or make an appointment about it
    27. after using the area has to be cleaned
    28. all machines, tools which are available can be used after making an appointment
    29. you are responsible to use it in the right way, clean it and bring back to the right place
    30. art materials you have to be bring with you or bought by you
    31. keep in mind that in this area not all kind of art material is available
    32. all participants of the exhibition are responsible for the design of it
    33. the art center is taking care of the promotion, contacts with relevant persons, organizations, institutes, officials and press
    34. the art center is sending the invitation for an exhibition by email, participants can also send invitations by post by themselves (own costs)
    35. by selling the art works during an exhibition or selling art work made during the artist-in-residence period the art center has the option to charge a commission of 30% of the sales price plus 22% VAT
    36. the art center has the option to charge a contribution for the vernissage of the exhibition
    37. the art center will do all in it's power to promote the artist, his/her art work and his future contacts
    38. the art center expects from participants of the artist-in-residence programs a positive attitude and a  promotion of the art center
    39, it is possible to invite during the residence period a guest for a short stay , the costs are 10€ per night if the guests stays in the same studio or 25€ per night if the guest stays in a separate room, after one week the normal rate will be calculated.

    your artistic plan for staying in the residence

    to make your stay in the art centre as productive as possible it is necessary to have a (complete) idea of your plan during that time

    if the plan does not fit with the possibilities (material/tools/machines/space/persons/etc) there are, you will get information about it so you know what is the limit

    so please answer the questions and we can organize the best solutions for you

    1 about your plan

    1.1 what do you expect from your time in the art centre?
    1.2 is there a plan you want to realize?
    1.3 if so, can you give an idea of it?
    1.4 give some inside information about your plan
    1.5 is your work temporary/permanent/other?

    2 about the space and materials

    2.1 what kind of space you need: inside, outside, water or forest area, urban area
    2.2 what kind of materials/tools/machines/etc you need? (except your own)
    2.3 is there any special you are thinking about?
    2.4 do you need computer programs for your project?
    2.5 if so, what kind of programs you are looking for?

    3 about contacts

    3.1 what kind of persons in connection with your plan you would like to meet?
    3.2 do you want to visit special places/locations in the area of the art centre?
    3.3 if so, what do you want to visit?

    4 about presentation

    4.1 what are your plans with the final products of your stay?
    4.2 in what way do you need help to give presentations of your work?
    4.3 do you want an exhibition, performance, webpage, installation, video, etc?
    4.4 are you going to make a documentation of the work and/or the process?

    5 about the artistic works/results

    5.1 the work is owned by the artist
    5.2 until the end of the residence period the sales rights of all the works created during the residence period are by the art centre
    5.3 by selling the art works during an exhibition and/or selling art work made during the artist-in-residence period the art center will charge a commission of 30% of the sales price + 22% VAT
    5.4 the artist can conclude an agreement (consignment) with the art centre about the period the work will be in consignment in the art centre (at least until the end of the year of residence period)
    5.5 in case of the support artists-in-residence program (B) the art centre has the right to use the work for publicity and presentations
    5.6 in case of the support artists-in-residence program (B) the artist gives one work for the collection of the AllaprimA MuseuM
    5.7 in other programs/cases there will be conclude an agreement by the art centre and the artist about the way the work can be used for publicity and presentations during a certain period

    6 about other conditions

    6.1 the applicant will fill the application form complete and truthfully
    6.2 the applicant takes care of the right documents and insurances need to stay in Finland for the time agree in the contract
    6.3 the art centre will have several meetings about the applications and it will take time to send the invitation
    6.3.1 the first decisions are as soon as possible, but within 14 days after the deadline
    6.3.2 the last decisions are the latest 6 weeks after the deadline
    6.3.3 the art centre can also invite extra artists before or after the period mentioned in 6.3.1 and 6.3.2
    6.4 after a positive decision the artist will get a contract for the period of staying in the art centre
    6.5 the artist sticks to the conditions and rules of the art centre

    7 about the payment

    The fee for a studio, including workspace, internet access and other facilities is 1750€/month.
    The art centre offers different kind of scholarships to reduce the costs for the invited artist.
    The final artist-in-residence fee is including a scholarship.
    Depending on what category of scholarship the amount in the invoice is reduced.
    The amount of the scholarship is balanced with the total amount on the invoice.
    The artist will receive separate certificates for the awarded scholarship and, if applicable, the work agreement.
    The art centre organizes in different ways the covering of the amount of the scholarship.
    Accepting the invitation means also accepting the scholarship and that creates obligations to the artist.
    The art center is not a hotel and the conditions for the artists in the artist-in-residence program are based on the special investment in artistic possibilities.
    After the acceptance of the agreement the invited artist has to pay the total amount of the invoice.
    The art center does not refund the deposit and the fee after a cancellation by the invited artist.

    7.1 the invitation is valid after an agreement by email and/or sending a signed copy of the contract by the artist
    7.1.1 the artist will receive a separate certificate for the awarded scholarship
    7.1.2 the artist will receive, if applicable, a separate work contract    
    7.2 the invited artist takes care of the payment of the fee for the stay and the deposit (=total amount)
    7.2.1 the payment has to be done in the following way:
    7.2.2 the deposit and first half of the fee has to be paid 14 days after the decision
    7.2.3 second halve of the fee has to be paid at latest 8 weeks before the start of the residence period a reservation within 6 weeks before arrival has to be paid in one term (=total amount)
    7.2.4 by in default of 7.2.2 and/or  7.2.3 and/or the art centre has the right to cancel the invitation and to pass the whole amount on to the artist
    7.3 the invited artist takes care of all the (bank) costs
    7.4 by in default (7.2.2, 7.2.3 and all the costs* are for the artist

    7.5 The total amount of the residence fee has to be paid in advance.
    7.6 There is no refund of the residence fee.
    7.7 The deposit will be refund after the physically stay of the invited artist in the artist-in-residence, if necessary reduced by costs of damages, prepayments, etc.
    7.8 The deposit will not be refund when the artist-in-residence has been cancelled by the invited artist.
    7.9 When an artist cancels/has to cancel an accepted invitation, the art centre reserves the right to pass also the costs for canceling the scholarship.

    We recommend to take a cancellation insurance before the first payment.

    All the (bank) costs for the transfer are for the account of the artist, also the costs for the art centre.
    *By in default of the payment the invited artist will be charged for the all costs, related to the final payment, as there are legal interest, collection costs, costs in reference to legal procedure, bailiff.
    Overdue accounts will be deal by an undertake debt collection.

    Art centre Saksala ArtRadius only accept regular bank transfers or payments by WESTERN UNION and does not accept payments by internet, credit cards, or cheques.

    The conditions and rules on the website remain as final valid and are used in difference of opinion.
    Art centre Saksala ArtRadius keeps the right to change the conditions and rules without reason.

    Any controversies will be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction in the city of Mikkeli, according to the laws of Finland.

    information and application form
    Marja de Jong
    mobile phone 00 358 (0)50 4625 675

    Saksala ArtRadius Oy
    Marja de Jong
    Karhuntie 11
    51600 Haukivuori
    M +358 (0)50 4625 675

    information |Marja de Jong | mobile 00358 (0)50 4625 675 | info@arefs.org |

    art links
    also visit
    AllaprimA | AREFS | 14square | Marja de Jong | ArtRadius | Lucien den Arend | St Ives Net / Selected Art

    ©2004-2011 Saksala ArtRadius
    art works©artists concerned
    site design by DutchDeltaDesign
    in cooperation with Lucien den Arend