"Saksala ArtRadius in Finland is a shrine to living artists!"
2009 Karen Kerkhoven - art in motion - Australia
Below the list of organizations which have supported different (art)
projects of art centre Saksala ArtRadius up to now.
The list will grow in the future.
Peter Schumann states in his 1984 ‘WHY CHEAP ART’ manifesto:
“Art is not a business. Art is food. You can’t eat it but it feeds you.”
Art centre Saksala ArtRadius is a unique private organization that combines benefit and
non-profit, and is partly working in the public sector.
Saksala ArtRadius as a private organization has taken care of, and protected the former old people's home for
fall into disrepair. Saksala ArtRadius has given the place a new future
by renovating the buildings into an INTERNATIONAL art center of high
quality and artistic content. The private place has now several new public functions
through the attention of the history of the region, the development of
new social awareness and structures, and bringing different kind of art
to the northern region of Mikkeli.
The art center is working for a wide range of target groups:
local and regional society,
(international) tourists,
-The main target of Saksala ArtRadius for tourism is:
active self-catering art holidays and retreat in a nature and unique art environment to explore the personal artistic talent.
-The main target of Saksala ArtRadius for artists is:
an inspiring environment to concentrate on art production, presentation of art, and exchange and collaboration with international artists.
-The main target of Saksala ArtRadius for teachers is:
development and deepening of the skills and expertise in teaching art education through master classes, symposiums, workshops, lectures etc.
-The main target of Saksala ArtRadius for the local society is:
maintain the former old peoples home Saksala into a new future with
attention for the specific history of Saksala and Haukivuori.
The environment of art centre Saksala ArtRadius is open for exchange between the different target groups and creates unique experiences on different levels
and a creative community.
To start Saksala ArtRadius Marja de Jong has invested her own capital
into the art centre. For the same amount as the own investment Saksala
ArtRadius has been supported by different organizations, officials and
private persons. E.g.
T&E Keskus and the investment bank Finnvera have contributed in 2003 and 2004 to the renovation and investments of the buildings.
These subsidies have given economic benefit to local entrepreneurs.
From 2005 support is given to art, art education, cultural and history
projects, which projects could not be realized without public funding.
The funding of these projects has given local economic benefit through
extra spending. This will continue in the future through different new
There are built 6 studios, an atelier, an apartment in the main
building, an apartment in the second building, the yard has been
In the main building it was possible to install an interesting art and
art education library with the collection of books owned by the
AllaprimA Foundation (Netherlands).
The result of the investments is:
-6.5 hectares with art (FOAM Sculpture Park, forest-LABYRINTH,
children's FOREST) and agriculture (orchards and fields)
-buildings including the AllaprimA MuseuM, Gallery AbOvo (owned by Eva
Häkkinen), exhibition space, residency with 6 spacious studios, work
spaces and ateliers for artists, art courses and instruction, an art
library, meeting room, and archive (AllaprimA Foundation)
The development EU-project in 2006-2007 (ART ENLARGES THE AREA) has
supported the investments in different (art) activities, like the
forest-LABYRINTH, and the promotion of international tourism in the area
of Etelä-Savo.
Through all these investments Saksala ArtRadius was able to develop the
content and international level of the art center:
-with events, activities the year round the art center is attractive for
the different target groups (adults, children, tourists, art lovers,
-with special art programs for artists the place is very attractive for
(international) artists
-with interesting art education programs, exhibitions, events, and
projects the art center is a high qualified institute for (art)
teachers, researchers and educators
An innovative center like Saksala ArtRadius is initiating experimental
art business:
-It is a pioneer and sets a good example for new initiatives
-It creates an attractive and inviting area for the development of
different new initiatives
-It opens the area for new target groups
-It inspires young people to find new jobs
-it brings economic benefit to the region
Art centre Saksala ArtRadius is a way of living, it shows the responsibility
for the future of the region, it respects the history and the
agriculture roots.
Art centre Saksala ArtRadius makes the region
attractive to come for a visit, a holiday, a longer stay, and also to move permanently.
Saksala ArtRadius is not a plan, not a paper, not a wish, but an
existing organization with great power.
It is inspiring to feel and see the result of the
involvement of the local society with the
development of this unique art center. It has to be clear that Saksala ArtRadius is an
important partner in
the development of the region.
Below the list of organizations that have supported or are supporting art
centre Saksala ArtRadius and AREFS taide ja kulttuuri ry. The main investor is Marja de Jong.
Other investment subsidies in the first years and from 2005 grants, awards
and scholarships for different kind of art projects, that could not
carried out without this support. This support has given economic
benefit to Haukivuori and Mikkeli.
Saksala ArtRadius is imperative to the sustainable economic
grow and the international promotion of the rural area of Mikkeli.
Etelä-Savo - Mikkeli
-2003-2004 contribution renovation of the buildings |
Etelä-Savo - Mikkeli
-2003-2004 investment loan |
European Union
-2006-2007 development project ART Enlarges the Area |
-2004 concert Mikkeli Orchestra
-2004 workshops Aseman Koulu
-2005 symposium Less is More Again
-2006-symposium HOMO ERECTUS
-2006 Taidekirppujen Ilta
-2005-symposium Less is More Aigain
-2006-2007-development project Art Enlarges the Area
-2007-symposium Naturally Art
-2007 Taidekirppujen yö
-2008 Taidekirppujen yö
-2008-symposium Naturally Art
-2009 Taidekirppujen yö
-2010 Taidekirppujen yö
-2007 exhibitions Haukivuori Muistoissamme I
-2008 exhibitions Haukivuori Muistoissamme II
-2009 exhibitions Haukivuori Muistoissamme III
-2007 Taidekirppujen yö
-2008 concerts and recitals
-2008 exhibition FACTURA St. Petersburg
-2008 Taidekirppujen yö
-2009 Taidekirppujen yö
-2005 catalogue symposium Less is More Again
-2010 catalogue NORDIC collaboration project CROSSROADS SAKSALANHARJU |
-2005 artist-in-residence
-2006 artist-in-residence
-2007 artist-in-residence
-2008 artist-in-residence
-2009 artist-in-residence
-2010 artist-in-residence
-2011 artist-in-residence
-2007 children's forest
installations in the LABYRINTH
-2009 collaboration project
-2010 symposium children's LABYRINTH
-2011 THIS IS OUR NATURE art education program
-2005 art projects in art centre Saksala ArtRadiuss
- 2007 art projects in art centre Saksala ArtRadius |
2009-2010-collaboration project CROSSROADS SAKSALANHARJU |
2009-2010-collaboration project CROSSROADS SAKSALANHARJU |
 AllaprimA Foundation - NL |
-2007 symposium Naturally Art
-2007-2008 art education project OpeArtEdu
-2008 symposium Naturally Art
-2009 exchange schools
-2010 THIS IS OUR NATURE art education program |
-2005 children's activities in Saksala ArtRadius
-2009 exchange schools |
-the use of the collection child art of the AllaprimA Foundation
-the use of the collection art books, methods and information books and literature of the AllaprimA Foundation
-2007 symposium Naturally Art
-2008 symposium Naturally Art
-2008 artist-in-residence
-2009 collaboration project CROSSROADS SAKSALANHARJU
-2010 symposium InSEA congress
-2011 symposium InSEA congress |
-2007 conference Boston artist-in-residence
-2008 exhibition Australia collaboration project SOJOURN IN WHITE
-2009 conference Boston artist-in-residence
-2011 conference Boston artist-in-residence |

-2008 concerts and recitals
-2009 Taidekirppujen yö
-2010 haukivuori muistoissamme 4
-2010 Taidekirppujen yö |
-2006 LABYRINTH project
-2007 development project Art Enlarges the Area
-2008 symposium SOURCE OF ART installations in the LABYRINTH
-2006-2007 development project Art Enlarges the Area
-2009 transport sculptures Saksala-Mikkelipuisto vv |
-2005 symposium Less is More Again
-2007 exhibition Haukivuori Muistoissamme I
-2009 heating wood |
-2007 children's forest
-2007 exhibition Haukivuori Muistoissamme I |
-2005 symposium Less is More Again |
-2005 symposium Less is More Again
-2008 symposium SOURCE OF ART installations in the LABYRINTH |
Haukivuoren Osuuspankki
-2008-Taidekirppujen yö
-2008-fairy tales in the LABYRINTH |

-from 2003 transport goods
-2006-2007 development project Art Enlarges the Area |
-2003 transport NL-Fin
-from 2004 tourism promotion |
- from 2003- web design |
-2009 heating wood Saksala |
To continue with the development of art centre Saksala ArtRadius and
its meaning for the region the support from others is of significant
matter. The future belongs to all and it is a collective task to create
conditions for a sustainable and inspiring future.
Art centre Saksala ArtRadius has different (support) programs which are
interesting for businesses, funds, non-profit organizations, investors
and partners:
in Business
-Business Promotion and Artist Support
-Art Rent
There are different other plans where sponsors, partners and investors can
add their support.
interesting projects for the development of Saksalanharju - kirkonkylä
-VIA.ARS.NATURA the way to art and nature
Participation, sponsoring and supporting (projects, plans) of art centre
Saksala ArtRadius gives the contributor the status of a organization with
cultural responsibility and attention for the value of a sustainable society.
For sponsors, investors and partners are different possibilities like:
-participating in a project
-sponsoring an artist
-materials and/or equipments
-owning and/or taking care a building
It depends on the sponsor if they want to be visible connected or on a distance.
There are possibilities for e.g. name-giving to an atelier, part of the yard or
building etc, or to get an
art work from the sponsored artist, or to leave the name in an inscription, or to have a special evening/day in the art center for (business) relations,
participation in a promotion campaign, international publicity, etc.
All the sponsors are published on the website, with logo, link and activities on
the related web pages.
Support to art centre Saksala ArtRadius will benefit the local community and
The international artists and visitors are generating an important contribution
to the local economy.
95% of the reservations are from international artists and visitors.